




An acne treatment focused on deep cleansing and extractions. Includes cleansing, analyzation, exfoliation, heat, extraction, high frequency, mask, and hydrating cream.


Protects delicate and sensitive skin. Strengthening, calming, and rebalancing for reactive skin. Great for rosacea. Includes cleansing, analyzation, enzyme, massage, heat, extraction, mask, ampoule, and hydrating cream.

Discovery Mini

When you have limited time or your skin needs a boost between regular facials. Does not include heat or extractions, yet the results are still impressive as your complexion rediscovers its natural glow. Includes cleansing, analyzation, massage, ampoule, and hydrating cream. 30 min.


Essential for a healthy balance to your skin. Your facial is customized so you receive the maximum results possible. Includes cleansing, analyzation, enzyme, massage, heat, extraction, mask, ampoule, and hydrating cream.


A collagen ampoule and collagen mask are expertly applied to your face. This helps to visibly plump out fine lines and wrinkles. Includes cleansing, analyzation, exfoliation, massage, heat, extraction, collagen ampoule, collagen mask, and a hydrating cream.


 Pamper yourself with this luxurious age management facial. Includes cleansing, analyzation, a double exfoliation of glycolic and enzyme applications. Followed by massage, heat mask, extraction, collagen ampoule, collagen mask, and hydrating cream for a dew glow complexion.


 Your skin will be luminous with a soft, hydrated complexion with glycolic treatments. For maximum results you should have an initial series of six glycolic applications. A gradually increased strength and time of glycolic applications is recommended about once a week. Initial facial includes cleansing, analyzation, glycolic application, massage, heat mask, extraction, ampoule, and hydrating cream.


 Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals and photo damage. Excellent for mature and dry skin. Nourishing vitamin C helps to reduce redness and even out skin tone resulting in a smoother and brighter complexion. Includes cleansing, analyzation, enzyme, massage, heat, optional extraction, vitamin C serum, European galvanic treatment, and hydrating cream.


 Replenish you skin with this moisture surging facial. Recommended for dry, dehydrated, thin, or mature skin. A warm and relaxing paraffin mask will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and supple. Includes cleansing, analyzation, ampoule, essential oil, hydrating cream, and paraffin mask.

 Soothing Stone

 This unique facial seems to melt away fatigue and tension. Warm, smooth stones are used to gently massage the face and neck. Includes cleansing, analyzation, exfoliation, heat, massage, mask, ampoule, and a hydrating cream.


 This ultrasonic facial is wonderful for cleaning and polishing most skin types for a healthy looking glow. Ultrasonic waves are sent to the deeper levels of skin, breaking up dead cells and oil debris. This reduces the need for extractions. The freshly cleansed skin enables topical products to absorbed more effectively. Includes cleansing, analyzation, ultrasonic treatment, ampoule, and a hydrating cream.



Photos courtesy of ASCP